Message for remembrance ceremony from Godfather Bob

2019 May 03

Created by Flora 4 years ago
Baby Theo; I am sorry I couldn't be here to read this to you in person, but it is my privilege to say some heartfelt words to you. As your uncle and your Godfather, I am so very proud of you.
You entered this world as a miracle, defying all medical expectations. You heard these doctors give you 48 hours and you said: "No! No way. I can do so much more!" And you did. 11 days you fought on, 11 days more you stayed in.
You heard the doctors tell your parents that you are too small to be born alive, and you said: "No! No way! Mummy and Daddy, here I come!" And you were born, healthy and perfect.
You heard the doctors say even if you were born you would only survive for minutes and you said: "No! No way! Watch this!" And you spent 2 glorious hours, wrapped in your parents' loving arms.
Theo, your fight has touched us all. We are all SO proud of you. One day we will meet again in heaven.
And so I end with a quote from one of my favourite storybooks, Winnie the Pooh: "Those we have held in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever".